Source: I ran into this error trying to launch SQL Reporting Services application which is a click once application launched from a web browser. ERROR SUMMARY Below is a summary of the errors, details of these errors are listed later in the log. * Activation of http://###.###.###.###/ReportServer/ReportBuilder/ReportBuilder_3_0_0_0.application?ReportPath=/someDir1/someDir2/someReportName resulted in exception. Following failure messages were detected: + Unable to install this… Read more →
Category: SQL
How to recover SA password on Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 | Gert Van Gorp
Source: How to recover SA password on Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 | Gert Van Gorp OK this little process saved me. Big thanks to Gert for posting this article. If you have local admin access to the SQL server, you can do this procedure which works like a charm. To log in using sqlcmd to an instance… Read more →
Virtualization of MS SQL server
Brent Ozar is to many a SQL god. I appreciate and value all of his internet posts. They have saved me more times that I can remember. So now that I am setting up a new vmware host which will hold our first virtualized SQL server, I turned to the internet to test out this host. First using VMware IO… Read more →