Author: jwalker

Customer Experience

I went to a local pizza establishment to burn off some steam have a beer or two and then order a pizza to take home. So I placed the order for pizza and a beer and asked which table I could sit at well I had a couple beers and then took the pizza home. They promptly told me that… Read more →

How to Create a House Sign

We moved into a new house in a small town called New Glarus in southern Wisconsin. I grew up in a city of maybe 600 k metro, and New Glarus has a little over 2k people. So I was a little nervous but before moving, but weeks after moving all fears were gone. Everyone is close in a healthy way,… Read more →

Cannot Launch SQL Reporting Services “Application cannot be started” error

Source: I ran into this error trying to launch SQL Reporting Services application which is a click once application launched from a web browser. ERROR SUMMARY Below is a summary of the errors, details of these errors are listed later in the log. * Activation of http://###.###.###.###/ReportServer/ReportBuilder/ReportBuilder_3_0_0_0.application?ReportPath=/someDir1/someDir2/someReportName resulted in exception. Following failure messages were detected: + Unable to install this… Read more →

Performance Stress Test

Here are some SQL Performance Test Tools and links which help run these test. HammerDB Diskspd SQLIO Read more →

Error: Login to iSCSI target on vmhba## @ ### failed. The iSCSI initiator could not establish a network connection to the target.

The error Error: “Login to iSCSI target on vmhba## @ ### failed. The iSCSI initiator could not establish a network connection to the target” is not an absolute error. Meaning, its not like ESX was unable to connect at all ever. It simply means that one attempt failed. For example, we have a ESX host, connected to a VNX 5300,… Read more →